Isolation & Loneliness In Our Communities

Isolation & Loneliness In Our Communities

Isolation and Loneliness. Simple words but they hide a massive problem. During the pandemic for our own good we had to Isolate from one another. Problem now is that Isolationism is a habit for many. They have taught themselves to withdraw from society, family and...
Alcohol Awareness

Alcohol Awareness

Data on the prevalence of harmful alcohol use within BAME communities is scarce and woefully inaccurate when found. Cultural taboos, barriers to engagement with treatment providers and cultural/religious stigma continue to keep harms hidden and communities suffering...
Facts vs Fiction: The COVID-19 vaccine

Facts vs Fiction: The COVID-19 vaccine

The COVID-19 vaccine is currently being rolled out across the U.K, with over a million people in Scotland having received the vaccine already. There is a lot of information out there right now about the vaccine, and it is important to ensure the sources you are...