Welcome to Hwupenyu Health & Wellbeing Project
We are a Glasgow based charity who provide support for Black ethnic communities in Scotland living with chronic health conditions.
Founded in 2014, we directly support people with a range of conditions, including Diabetes (type 1 & 2), HIV+, High Blood Pressure, Mobility issues, Mental Health conditions, and Hepatitis (B & C), through providing clear, relevant and culturally sensitive information and advice.
“Hwupenyu have helped with my English language, and I’ve been able to meet new people and travel to new places.”
Member of our womens’ group
Provide Information
We empower, inform and tackle stigma through community outreach and education on health and social issues.
Education and outreach
We work with various health practitioners and organisations on community engagement and cultural sensitivity issues.
Drop-in Services
We have a range of drop-in services, including HIV testing. Contact us to find out about our other drop-in services.
Group & Peer Support
We run a range of groups (currently online) where you can meet new people, gain support with others and engage in fun activities!
Support & Guidance
We offer practical and emotional support from helping you to fill out forms, to offering support in the journey post-diagnosis.
We can signpost you to a range of organisations, and help you to access the best type of support for your needs.
Talking Therapies
We offer free one-on-one person centred therapy, with our mental health worker Anne.
Holistic Therapies
We offer free Swedish and aromatherapy massage, and reflexology treatments through appointment.
Weekly Foodbank
We run a weekly foodbank from our premises at the Adelphi Centre every Wednesday.
Meet Our Team
Our team have a range of skills and qualifications that allow us to help out with many issue that you may be facing. From health related issues to community and financial matters, we can offer help in these and other areas as well as point you in the right direction where required.
We’d Love To Help
Latest Updates from Our Community Blog
July Is National Minority Mental Health Month
I’ve never heard of National Minority Mental Health Month! In the UK Mental Health awareness month is held in April, World Mental Health Day is 10 October 2023. But there is no specific day/month, that I could find, that looked at the challenges that Racial &...
Isolation & Loneliness In Our Communities
Isolation and Loneliness. Simple words but they hide a massive problem. During the pandemic for our own good we had to Isolate from one another. Problem now is that Isolationism is a habit for many. They have taught themselves to withdraw from society, family and...
Alcohol Awareness
Data on the prevalence of harmful alcohol use within BAME communities is scarce and woefully inaccurate when found. Cultural taboos, barriers to engagement with treatment providers and cultural/religious stigma continue to keep harms hidden and communities suffering...
How To Get In Touch With Us
Adelphi Centre, Office No. 28/28a, 12 Commercial Road, Glasgow G5 0PQ
0141 418 0940